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When it comes to editing images, one program usually comes to  mind: Photoshop. It is a very powerful application that allows you to do incredible things when it comes to editing or creating graphics. But as many of us already know, something this powerful is not cheap and can cost almost $400 a year! For those of us that are not professional designers or photographers, this is a price that we are not willing to pay as it would not make sense to purchase something so expensive for doing a small edit to an image. But what if there was an alternative that comes with almost all of the features of Photoshop but at an 100% discount? Well there is! This incredible software is called GIMP.

What is GIMP?

As describe by their website, GIMP is a software that provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins. It can be used to  produce icons, graphical design elements, and art for user interface components and mockups. On top of all of these great features, GIMP is also open-source (another way of saying you are given access to the programming code that makes the software work) which means you can customize or add features to the software.

Is GIMP right for me?

If you are a student or a small business that is starting off and is low on funds, then YES GIMP is right for you. GIMP is a very powerful tool to have if you cannot afford Photoshop or similar systems. However, be mindful that in order to run GIMP, we recommend you have the following computer specs:

  • Mac OS, Windows 7 and up, or Linux
  • 1GB Ram but 2GB is recommended
  • 200+ MB of available storage

Where can I download GIMP and learn how to use it?

If you are interested in downloading GIMP just click HERE. If you are interested in learning how to use the software, GIMP provides a nice tutorial HERE and documentation with more details HERE


Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Spending time learning, with friends and being active is what I enjoy most. "Mr. Adam Smith" is my alias.